Monday 14 November 2011

Greetings and Explanation

Salaam and hey to any immeasurably cool person who has just stumbled upon my blog page (of course right now its just me (: )

Bear with me, it's rather late 1:59am (in the UK) to be precise ( but we can discuss my insomniac tendencies at a later date)

So let me get to the point

I have started this blog just because I am currently going through a transitory phase in my life. I have just graduated with a Bachelors with Honors degree in Psychology and I intend to apply for an MA in Social Work to commence in September 2012 InshAllah.

My plan is to work for this year and save up some money, financially right now I am in dire straits indeed..

I'm going off on tangents! The transitory phase is I am becoming more religious slowly but surely and I suppose I need a place to vent/express/emit/convey (you get my drift) anything and everything I'm feeling/thinking.

What can you expect?

All sorts really random is my middle name

OOTD's (Outfit of the Day) in a modest fashion

ooo also I forgot to mention why my blog is titled decogrungemuslimah

Well I kind of plagiarised that from Topshop lol they described my style which is a mixture of grunginess and the whole beautiful flapper apparel.

You can also expect:

cooking experiments
my general ramblings
blogs about topics that interest me
book reviews
and more

I look forward to hearing from anyone and everyone and if not at the very least my musings will be preserved in cyberspace for me to ponder and most likely laugh over in years to come InshAllah

It was a pleasure to meet you

Till the next post

Salaam and Goodbye!

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